Family-Based Immigration Services Immigrating to the U.S. Through Relatives

Filing with the US Embassy in London

Want to immigrate to the U.S.? Speak with a US immigration lawyer in London!

Many married couples, comprised of a US national spouse and a UK or other foreign national spouse, live together in the UK. The US citizen may be a dual national of another EU country, may have obtained Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, or may in active US military service. In these and specified other cases where ‘exceptional circumstances’ exist, it may be possible to file the immigrant visa petition directly with the US Embassy in London.

How to File a Petition for an Alien Relative

Until July 2020, London had a USCIS Field Office, enabling qualifying US citizens to file an I-130 for their spouse or child locally, a much quicker process than filing with USCIS in the USA. Once the USCIS Field Office in London permanently closed, the US Embassy in London was authorised to accept direct I-130 filings if ‘exceptional circumstances’ exist.

If qualifying circumstances are established, a request can be made to the US Embassy in London to accept the case directly. This is a discretionary decision and, if successful, generally results in shorter visa wait times. Once the I-130 is filed with the US Embassy in London, applicants will await I-130 approval, following which the case is processed by the Immigrant Visa Unit (IVU) located within the US Embassy in London. The IVU will oversee the next steps, including ensuring that the online form (DS-260) is filled out, that the civil and personal documents are collected, that the Affidavit of Support is prepared, and that the foreign national attends a medical examination appointment with an Embassy-approved physician.

Once these steps are completed and the foreign national is scheduled for an interview at the US Embassy in London, assuming all goes well, the non-US spouse will be issued an immigrant visa and will receive his or her passport through a pre-arranged courier service.

Start the filing process today!

The American Immigration Law Office LTD has assisted countless married couples in filing immigration petitions with the US Embassy in London. The attorney is well-versed in US immigration law and the firm can guide you from the beginning to the end of your case. For efficient and personable immigration services, contact the firm today and request a consultation.

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    As a firm that has decades of experience with ESTA and immigration matters, we have the foresight you deserve.