US Citizen living in the United Kingdom? Register to vote in US federal elections!

When it comes to voting in US elections, many US citizens living in the United Kingdom are confused about their eligibility and the practicalities of registering to vote from abroad. In actuality, the process is much simpler than most people believe it to be.

Most American citizens, even if living outside of the USA, can register to vote in US federal elections. A person does not need a current US address. In fact, even if a person has never lived in the USA but is a US citizen, he or she may still qualify to vote so long as the relevant requirements are met.

In order to vote, a US citizen must register with the local authority in the state where he or she last resided in the United States, and timely request a ballot. Additional information and to register to vote, please visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program, or use the handy registration tools offered by Vote from Abroad.
